Intro to Rock Climbing
Part of Monthly Series

Rock Climbing Series
→ Week One: Intro to Belay
Week Two: Skills
Week Three: Bouldering
Week Four: Outdoors Rock Climbing Session
Ever wonder what it would be like to climb up a granite cliff in Yosemite Valley or scramble up a High Sierra peak? Want to find a new way to experience the beauty & grandeur of nature, all the while getting a great workout and becoming part of a new community of outdoor friends?
If so, climbing is for YOU!

Learning to climb opens up the vertical, natural world much like learning a new language opens the door to a new culture. Once you master some basic skills, together with practice, you'll soon find yourself climbing routes once thought impossible. What could be better than finishing a climb at sunset, having shared the experience with great friends as the entire Sierra falls beneath your feet?
The road to climbing outside starts in the gym & the Bay Area is blessed with a handful of excellent climbing gyms chocked full of climbers of various skill levels.
Come join Urban Diversion at Mission Cliffs & let us show you the ropes!
What to Expect:
We will meet at Mission Cliffs, gear up & climb beginner-intermediate climbing routes. All climbers will learn the basics of indoor rock climbing including: etiquette, belay technique, how to put on & take off a harness, body placement & climbing efficiency. By the time you leave the gym, you will have the skills & understanding to climb on your own at gym. This is the intro course for climbing with UD.

Event Includes:
- An evening of climbing
- Use of all necessary rock climbing gear
- A rock climbing UD host
- Introduction to climbing terminology and strategy
- Water