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 Meteor Shower Hike at Bernal Heights   Meteor Shower Hike at Bernal Heights 

Meteor Shower Hike at Bernal Heights
Must be a member or member's guest to attend
Status Normal
Start Time Dec 13, 2018 (Thursday)
End Time
Location - El Rio
Category Standard Event
Club Urban Diversion
Region UD-San Francisco Standard Event
Sharing All Clubs
Event Host Lance Evander
Max Attendees N/A
Max Guests 10
Cost Range $0.00 - $9.00
Join UD friends for our hike to the best spot to watch the meteor shower!
Basic Details:
METEOR SHOWER HIKE at Bernal Heights

Image result for lands end meteor shower sf

Have you ever seen a METEOR SHOWER before?
Then come join UD for our METEOR SHOWER HIKE!

It’s the biggest meteor shower of the year,
so lets hike up, appreciate sweeping 360° beautiful view of San Francisco!

year shower GIF Related image

Join UD for a night hike for one of the biggest meteor showers this year!

Shooting stars, hike, yummy surprise with the best view in San Francisco.

What to Expect:

chelyabinsk meteor GIF

We will hike up to the Bernal Heights for the secret view of San Francisco. 
Before the hike, we will have a drink then we will walk towards the park passing beautiful houses. 

From North entrance at Folsom and Bernal Heights Blvd, we will climb up for the sweeping 360° views!  On the top of the hill, we enjoy the evening with meteor showers!

The hike itself is steep but very short (about 1 mile). 


About 2018 Gemind Meteor Shower :
Stargazers can look directly up (away from city lights) to see a spectacular meteor light show originating from the Comet 3200 Phaethon in the constellation Gemini (looking south, almost overhead). 

Radiating from near the bright stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini the Twins, the Geminid meteor shower is one of the finest meteors showers visible in either the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere. In 2018, the rather wide waxing crescent moon staying out until mid-evening shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.

The moon will set before the peak viewing hours of the Geminid shower, from late evening until dawn. The meteors are plentiful, rivaling the August Perseids. They are often bold, white and bright. On a dark night, you can often catch 50 or more meteors per hour. The greatest number of meteors fall in the wee hours after midnight, centered around 2 am local time (the time on your clock no matter where you are on Earth), when the radiant point is highest in the sky.

In 2018, watch the usually reliable and prolific Geminid meteor shower from mid-evening December 13 until dawn December 14.


Come early and socialize:  we officially are starting at 800pm... but come at 7:30 ish to the meeting location so you can get to meet other members!

The Hike:  We will probably head out at around 8:30 ish (there is no hurry, the show will be all night) The hike is short... maybe 1 mile.  We will be setup on top of the hill relax and enjoy the night sky



  • A great spot to watch the meteor shower
  • Snacks, and yummy surprise ;)
  • UD hosts (and some sparkle)

What to bring:  

  • Blankets to sit on or small chairs (a chair will probably now work well on the hill slopes)
  • Flashlight.... though the city lights will keep us lit
  • Dress warm... it will be night in SF!

Attire: Casual, comfortable. Layrers!
Have your own flashlights or fun LED lights? Bring them!


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