Tahoe Snow Adventure
Cabin Life.. Skiing.. & Beyond!

This snowy adventure has it all! You can choose from a snowshoe trek, as well as plenty of opportunities to hit the slopes! We will even bring sleds and tubes for some silly-good times! This is a great trip for anyone who wants to try a new snow sport, we welcome snow-adventurers of all levels!
Snow-FUN for Everyone
This is a create your own adventure weekend! Your host will have many options for daily activities! From from sledding to shredding... snowshoeing to skiing... no matter your favorite snow sport, we've got you covered! The snowshoe trek can take us into the backcountry, bringing us to a ridge with stunning views of Lake Tahoe. This trek is easy enough for beginners, and breathtakingly beautiful, so the best of both worlds!
Event Includes:
- Friday night snacks and finger food
- Delicious Saturday night dinner
- 2 hot breakfasts
- Hot tubbing!
- Warming up by the Fire pit
- Your UD host with the most!
- An awesome Skiing/snowshoeing adventure!

What to bring:
- Snow clothes + gear
- Rented snowshoes, skis or board
- Money for rentals, outings, and lunches
- Casual clothes for relaxing and outings
- Bathing suit for the hot tub!
- Warm layers
Duration: 3 days, 2 nights
Type: Weekend ski trip
Difficulty: Beginners to advanced
Hosting Style: Host likes to show you the ropes and entertain but lets you do your own thing.
Optional happening:
Nov 9,10 - Polish ambassadors play at CBC

Notes for beginners:
If you need rentals, for snowshoes / skis / boards, we recommend renting from somewhere in the Bay Area before arriving in Tahoe. There are also places you can rent close to our Tahoe cabin if needed.
Check out some ski lessons, if you need some formal training on the basics before hitting the slopes. Leave a message on the board below to see if anyone else wants to join you.
The cozy vacation rental cabin near the lake on the north side is ready for us! This Tahoe cabin has 4 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms, with an awesome fireplace & hot tub, full kitchen and dinning room, washer/dryer, and plenty of parking! Please note: This is a private cabin, and you'll likely be sharing a room with other members. If you have specific lodging needs, sharing requests, or questions, please let us know in your registration comment.
Arrive as early as you can on Friday night. Together, we'll enjoy the cabin for two nights, a few family style meals, and a lots of story-trading! This is the perfect way to learn a new snow sport - by going with friends to keep you company and help share tips and tricks. Check-out is after breakfast on Sunday, but don't worry! We still plan on hitting the slopes before hitting the road. Then it's back to the bay with a full tank of joy.
- Great location - 20 Minutes to slopes: Northstar/Squaw/Alpine
- Hiking/Biking trails right out the door that go all around the area
- Full weight room and gym just a short walk away!
- Private beginners ski slope nearby
Lift Ticket Info:
If you have an Epic Local pass or the Tahoe Local Pass (also from Epic) you will NOT have to buy passes. Single-day lift tickets are $157 at Northstar.
We will all meet at the Tahoe Cabin, your host will have some finger food and snacks waiting for you! If you want a more substantial meal, there are lots up options on the drive up, and Northstar Village is just up the street. Otherwise, kick back and enjoy a fun night playing games, and meeting your fellow Urban Diversion members!
Start w/ a BIG breakfast to get our minds and bodies right for the mountain
Members who hit the slopes, team up with others with similar skill levels should buddy up so everyone can enjoy the runs appropriate for them. Those of us who choose downhill activities today will shred as many runs as their hearts desire, or until the sun goes down.
Then, it's back to the cozy cabin for a little bit of winding down. We will have a chill social happy hour while our host whips up a yummy family style dinner. Ask about meal specifics or dietary restrictions in the discussion board below. After dinner, we can play some games at the cabin, soak in the hot tub, or hit the town for some local nightlife and casinos!
We know we're all likely to be a bit sore after our first full day in the snow, so we're taking it easy with a leisurely breakfast. Check-out is at 12PM. For those wanting more Skiing/snowshoeing, we can head out for another mild trek with great views of the lake! For the skiers, we'll plan ahead for lunch by calling in an order at the local deli and picking up sandwiches on the way to the resort. Day two is when you really feel some improvements on the mountain. If your legs feel too much like jell-o to handle another day in boots, spend some time exploring downtown Tahoe. (Ask your host for recommendations!)
Join us for a fun weekend of Tahoe mountain fun with cabin living, shredding slopes, and chilling in the hot tub!

Don't ski? Why you should try Backcountry Snowshoeing:
Snowshoeing allows us access to untouched winter wonderlands hidden in the backcountry, away from the hustle and bustle of large Ski resorts. The sport is very beginner friendly, no experience is necessary. You can start off with easier/mild treks, and work your way up to steeper terrain and mountaineering.
It is a low impact sport, making it friendly to our joints and knees. Even if you do happen to topple over, you can't fall too far on flat ground, and snow makes for a soft landing.
One of the best aspects of snowshoeing is the abundance of gorgeous untouched terrain to be had in the winter. Snowshoeing allows you to access this untouched nature in ways other snow sports can't do nearly as easily! If you love hiking and nature, this is one of the greatest ways to explore the mountains in the winter months, and can be done even in lower snow conditions. It is also a common practice to combine snowshoeing and backcountry skiing, making for an awesome day of skiing untouched slopes. Join your experienced UD host for this awesome trip, and experience the magic of snowshoeing with UD friends by your side!